Happy 13th Huxiiiversary!

Low Dog on the Totem Pole
Low Dog on the Totem Pole
Working breed
Working breed
Lab dogs
Lab dogs
Species discrimination
Species discrimination
Queers Heart Techies
Queers Heart Techies
The moon's heart is made of green cheese
The moon's heart is made of green cheese
En Honor de Luis D. Gongora Pat
En Honor de Luis D. Gongora Pat
Create Love
Create Love
Heart car garage
Heart car garage
TIE Lover
TIE Lover
Stalking the Wild Hare
Stalking the Wild Hare
Untitled with beagles, not Dan Flavin, 2018
Untitled with beagles, not Dan Flavin, 2018
Fish out of water
Fish out of water
Molly by Golly
Molly by Golly
Love '18 SF
Love '18 SF
Tannenbaum Toast 2018
Tannenbaum Toast 2018
Reindeer Wallace
Reindeer Wallace
Reindeer Wallace resigned to his new role
Reindeer Wallace resigned to his new role