January 8th: Alfred Russel Wallace, Wallace's namesake, was born on this day in 1823.

January 13th: Wallace was born on this day in 2011 at Marshall BioResources in North Rose, NY.

February 14th: Valentine's Day was Huxley's favorite holiday, because of all the hearts.

May 4th: Thomas Henry Huxley, Huxley's namesake, was born on this day in 1825

June 8th: Huxley died on this day in 2021.

June 9th: The spring Beaglefest was traditionally held on the Saturday nearest this date, the birthday of Darwin, the beagle belonging to the organizers.

June 23rd: Huxley was born on this date in 2004 at Covance Research Products in Cumberland, VA.

July 3rd: Wallaversary, the anniversary of Wallace's adoption and arrival at 392 San Jose Avenue in 2013.

August 18th: The first day of Halleyversary, the anniversary of Halley's adoption in 2021.

August 19th: The second day of Halleyversary, the anniversary of Halley's arrival at 392 San Jose Avenue in 2021.

October 29th: Edmond Halley, Halley's namesake, was born on this day in 1656.

October 31st: The autumn Beaglefest was held on a Saturday near Halloween.

December 3rd: Halley was born on this day in 2019.

December 9th: Huxiversary, the anniversary of Huxley's adoption and arrival at 392 San Jose Avenue in 2005.

Also, the Sunday night closest to the ides of each each month is bath night. Tuesday was Huxley's egg night until he got tired of eggs.