The Bear and Rabbit
Welcome to San Juan County, Utah
Beagles at the Mexican Hat
The Mexican Hat
Beagles at Four Corners
Service Dogs Only Beyond This Point
View from our picnic at Four Corners
Continental Divide Post Office
Continental Divide marker
Sawmill Park mosaic
Camino 66
Camino 66
Old Town Plaza
Sheepherder from below
The Center of the Universe
At the Center of the Universe
Cadillac Ranch, looking southeast
Cadillac Ranch, looking northwest
Helium Time Columns Monument
Helium Capital of the World
Wallace Monument Co. (southeast elevation)
Wallace Monument Co. (southwest elevation)
Big Rubik's Cube
The World's Littlest Skyscraper
World's Largest Bowie Knife
Fort Worth Stock Yards (west end)